Adult Writing Challenge: Classics Reimagined

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Event Details

Hamilton East Public Library is pleased to announce this year's Adult Writing Challenge! The theme for this challenge is Classics Reimagined! This can be a fairy tale, myth, or classic literature from any culture, recreated in your own vision. The twist could be any change to the story's characters, setting, plot, conflict, ending, point of view, or even a mixture of tales. Adult writers should submit an original, reimagined classic tale as a short story by 8:00pm on August 31st.

Library staff members will judge the reimagined classics. Judges will be looking to see if the story reflects the Classics Reimagined theme, is 4,000 words or less, is organized, and provides overall entertainment.

The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will receive gift cards of $75, $50, and $25, respectively (winners can choose gift cards from a list of available retailers), a meet and greet with the visiting authors for HEPL's Books Build Bridges event on Sept. 30, and their work will also be shared on HEPL's blog! Submit your story via email to 

Event Type(s): Adult Programs
Laura Hoffman
(317) 773-1384